The Polish startup wants to speed up the digital transformation of the clothing industry thanks to 3D and AR Wearfits – Polish startup creating solutions supporting the sale of clothing and footwear thanks to 3D and AR technologies (augmented reality) – received PLN 1 million from the BLDG Venture fund. The amount of the investment…
Download E-commerce trendbook 2022.
Download „ E-commerce trendbook 2022 ” The internet changes almost every day. As well as the operation of companies based on the global network. Trade on the Internet has been experiencing a boom for several months. However, there are threats just around the corner. No specialists, more expensive raw materials, logistics problems. It is very…
Electronic seal A National e-invoice system. Why is it worth with use it in 2022
Electronic seal and the national e-invoice system. Why it is worth using it in 2022? By introducing a new invoice registration system, the Ministry of Finance takes another step towards improving digital document circulation. Automation of all processes under the KSEF will allow entrepreneurs to qualify ECQSS electronic seal – Author’s service in the cloud…
Five popular cryptocurrencies, no counting Bitcoin
Five popular cryptocurrencies, not counting Bitcoin The first, which people associate with “cryptocurrency” is Bitcoin – the most famous virtual unit and financial assets. And is there anything else? People who are advanced in trading know that yes. And if you are a person from another group, read on!
From What depends on the speed of the mobile internet
What depends on the speed of the mobile internet? You work at home and need a permanent link? Or maybe you don’t like to be offline and you want to be in contact with the world online all the time? If you don’t like to wait, you will need a good mobile internet offer. Check…
Not Receive all connections from unknown numbers
Do not receive all connections from unknown numbers Yes, you can see – All connections should not be received from people who call us from unknown numbers. And this is the advice for which I would like to thank who you heard from. And there are many reasons why we talk about it. You never…
Saturation of phrase A good content how to do it with head
Saturation of phrases and good content: how to do it with your head? The concept of valuable content that can work for the client requires a wide, comprehensive approach in many respects. What elements are worth paying special attention to? How to make your work easier?
The most important data from report Digital Payments 2017.
The most important data from the report „ Digital Payments 2017 ” Report „ Digital payments 2017 ” is the second edition and at the same time a continuation of the report „ Digital Payments 2016 ” – The first such publications in Poland, which was a comprehensive view on electronic payments, as well as…
On What will you gain by using Spicy DSP platforms
What will you gain by using the DSP Spicy platform? Spicy DSP is a new, proprietary advertising emission platform in the programmatic model. It can be used not only by large media houses, but also smaller players who are looking for intuitive and cost -effective media tools. The Spicy Mobile agency encourages participation in the…
M-Health new trend in mobile
M-Health – New trend in Mobile Below are some examples of gadgets and applications monitoring physical activities and our health. Fitbit devices, which coupled with applications on smartphone, monitor our daily activity and sleep help in maintaining good physical condition. I am the owner of one myself.