Download „ E-commerce trendbook 2022 ”
The internet changes almost every day. As well as the operation of companies based on the global network. Trade on the Internet has been experiencing a boom for several months. However, there are threats just around the corner. No specialists, more expensive raw materials, logistics problems. It is very likely that this will be reflected in consumers who will have to pay more, and thus, they will check the cheapest options even more accurately. For many e-commerce stores, it is a time of hard fight for customers and be or not to be their interests.
-The world of e-commerce and digital marketing is constantly changing-related to new technological solutions, increasing competition, legal modifications and the situation in the world. That is why we wanted to vote to those who know this world best, experts, specialists, owners of companies that operate in e-commerce. They are best able to explain to us what the trade market on the Internet from entrepreneurs will look like and how the situation can affect consumers-says Robert Stolarczyk, president of the board of Promotraffic, one of the leading Polish Marketing Digital Agencies for e-commerce and B2C, which works with over 100 brands operating in various areas of internet trade. Created by joint forces, “TrendBook 2022”, responds to many issues, explains trends, but also describes the fears of entrepreneurs.
– By collecting material for our “trendbook” we could not predict, for example. that the war will break out just behind our border. Already in the first days of Russia’s aggression, we noticed changes when the e-commerce movement decreased by up to 40%. The situation is stabilizing today, but the questions are still open. How war will affect the behavior of Marek? How will they even try to compensate for the losses related to withdrawing from the Russian market? How clients who have to take into account the increase in prices related to the galloping prices of raw materials will behave – says Robert Stolarczyk from Promotraffic.
Marlena Żurawska-Shyter speaks in a similar tone, who is the head of the e-commerce department in Deli2, i.e. delicatessen online. Żurawska-Super is afraid of growing business costs, and thus cuts in many areas.
– inflation, increases in electricity, gas, fuel and other goods will make increases in many areas, such as. storage, logistics service, cost of delivery of the goods. Further development of e-commerce causes more competition on the market, and this generates higher marketing costs-comments Deli2 pre-worshipe.
In her opinion, 2022 can bring many restrictions. Consumers, however.
-Competitive surroundings and its analysis will be extremely important, whether it is a price, or generally watching the industry-adds Marlena Żurawska-Shyter, in the trendbook created by Promotraffic.
Specialists are not running out
PwC analysts are quite unambiguous. Near 80% percent of consumers bought a product on the Internet at least once in 2021. However, as many as 75% of respondents declare the maintenance of purchases in e-stores at the same level as today, and 10% provides for an increase in activity in the area of e-commerce. PwC adds that at least by 2026 there will be an upward trend for e-commerce at a stable and exceeding 10% level. There is even 100,000 on the Polish Internet today. stores with online sales function.
– It does not always mean well quickly, meanwhile, the instant start of the online store has become a need for many to keep business. E-commerce, however, is not as simple and cheap as it can look at first. Such rapid increase in internet trading has significantly increased the demand for specialists in this field. Many people had to or still have to learn by trial and error, which will probably affect the quality of offered competences on the labor market – comments Malwina Wróblewska from Terranova Polska SP. Z O.about.
One of the most important factors that affected the growth in the e-commerce industry was Pandemia. Due to many restrictions and out of concern for their own health, consumers almost rushed to internet solutions. Brands that have already been introduced e-commerce solutions in the blink of a blindness increased their advantage over the competition. The others had to invest a lot so that the peloton would not run too far.
-Covid-19 pandemia and related restrictions do not leave the set. I mean interference in logistics and supply chains. Most industries have problems with delivery on time. Stable logistics and product availability is a key issue for e-commerce, so we can look in this direction in 2022. In Lancerto we also felt slowdown in deliveries and we had to reformat the communication calendar related to the premieres and promotions on part of the assortment-says Mariusz Serafin, marketing and e-commerce director in the Lancerto men’s fashion store.
Serafin points out that the challenge will be to maintain the current dynamics of e-commerce development. – It is already an extremely competitive market today, which is getting harder and successful and achieve success. The cost of acquiring the customer is growing and his loyalty decreases – he adds.
Please the client – remember about myself
For e-commerce stores, growing commissions and costs of marketing activities on Marketplace platforms are also a challenge. This is where more and more companies are moving, because large shopping platforms are the most convenient for customers. Hence the popularity of Allegro or Amazon, which in one place offer consumers the opportunity to buy products from many different industries. For now, the competition between the Marketplace itself is large, but experts predict that there may be more stabilization soon, and this can be followed by price increases for brands that they sell through them.
– The sum of these increases will certainly affect the purchase costs for customers. We hope that the dynamics of e-commerce business development will not fall despite temporary difficulties, and this will also allow you to maintain prices at a very similar level-comments Izabela Ochalik, head of the Green Cell e-commerce department, manufacturer and distributor of energy supply solutions to Promotraffic Trendbook. mobile devices.
Also, many other facilities that are proposed to clients, such as. deferred payment can be bothersome for the sellers themselves, and sometimes it can even make business lose its financial support.
-Definitely the e-commerce market is today where the consumer rules. Huge competition favors the possibility of choosing, but habits and ties – even if not as strong as they used to be – they can shape the positions of many online stores for years. Sellers must therefore look for ways to satisfy the expectations of their clients, but also link it to the profitability of doing business. Difficult task, but to be done as much as possible – comments Robert Stolarczyk from Promotraffic.